The Da Vinci Code

Dr. Gregory Reid
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December 14, 2012

  Right now we are on the edge of the Da Vinci Code movie has been released, and it’s  doing a lot of damage and becoming a focus point for attacks on the church and the Word of God. The movie, based on the book written by Dan Brown, is  spiritually hurting a lot of […]

Myths About the Sexual Abuse of Boys

Dr. Gregory Reid
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   Myth: It is not a widespread problem. Fact: One in every ten men & boys, and some say one in six has possibly been molested in some form. Myth: Most molesters are dirty old men. Fact: Most pedophiles are highly intelligent career people with community respect and a good income. Myth: Most pedophiles are […]

Another Name For “Abuse”

Dr. Gregory Reid
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If we don’t revamp our thinking about what predators do to boys, a lot of kids are going to fall through the cracks, and a lot of predators will never get caught. But it’s a complicated matter, because it’s hard to put a simple name on it like “abuse”. We always like to have catchy […]

Church Sexual Abuse Crisis: How Do We Respond?

Dr. Gregory Reid
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  The Catholic Church has been rocked by the latest exposure of sexual abuse of boys by priests. This is nothing new; in fact, it’s been going on for decades, if not centuries. It is only “new” because the media has seen a “sexy” story (as they call a ratings-boosting news item) and has run […]

Bronze Shields For Gold

Dr. Gregory Reid
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December 5, 2012

God has a “gold standard.” He has it for truth, for His church, for ministry and for His children…

Occult Q&A

Dr. Gregory Reid
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For the last several years at conferences, a number of questions have arisen from both Christians and non-Christians concerning the occult, satanism, witchcraft and other related topics…